TORONTO — The winners of the first-ever Canadian national Young Chef Young Waiter contest (YCYW) were announced this week. Online contest entries ran from August through September and a judging panel of renowned hospitality personalities shortlisted six...
Monday, January 13th, 2020 Monterey, CA The famous wine cellar at The Sardine Factory was the perfect venue to induct Master Sommelier Fred Dame into the Distinguished Restaurants Of North America Hall Of Fame. Friends and family from Canada, Mexico and across the US...
Distinguished Restaurants of North America is proud to announce 21 Spices by Chef Asif in Naples, FL has been recognized as a DiRōNA restaurant. You will be taken on an incredible epicurean adventure at this incredible restaurant. The classical Indian cuisine features...
Why Fine Dining is Still Important In the rush today of an ever-changing society, fine dining still has its place. Sure there are times when casual dining will suit your purposes. But when you experience a fine dining meal at an exceptional restaurant, you will truly...
Distinguished Restaurants of North America is proud to announce DORSiA Restaurant in Boca Raton, FL has been recognized as a DiRōNA restaurant. This classic Italian restaurant makes their guests feel like family. It is family-owned and operated and they work very hard...